Last news
July 7 in cattery FROSTY AMULET new litter"А"!!!!
3 sweet babys: 1boys and 2girls.
WCF. International exhibition of cats "the Gold tango-2014" city of Almaty.
On November 22-23 in the city of Almaty there took place the International exhibition "Gold Tango-2014", the organizer of the KLK exhibition of "Erke Barys".
Experts: Mr.Dr.Johan H. Lamprecht, South Africa(AB,WCF)
Mrs.Olga Gruzd, Russia(AB,WCF)
Mrs.Nancy Dodds, USA(AB,WCF)
At an exhibition I participated - a young cat of Gin Volzhskaya Krasa.
In a ring of adult cats of Jean entered 10 best cats, I took the 9th place. I received two assessment of CAC-EX1.
We congratulate the boy on good performance!!!
Kot Gin Volzhskaya Krasa at the expert Olga Gruzd (Russia, WCF).
Kot Gin Volzhskaya Krasa at the expert of Mrs. Nancy Dodds (USA,CFA).
April 26-27, 2014
Almaty, Kazakhstan, international cats show, organized by the Almaty feline center "Planet of the Cats" (WACC).
Experts of the show: Irina Katser, Russia (WACC), Genevieve Franc, Belgium (LOOF).
Our Anfisa Zelenoglazka became Vice-winner of the ring. Best cat - Siberian, color black spotted.
Oktober 6, 2013
Almaty, Kazakhstan, international cats show, organized by the Almaty feline center "Planet of the Cats" (WACC).
Experts: Irina Curviseta (Moscow, WACC), Nata Burakova (Belarus,WACC).
Our Anfisa Zelenoglazka became Vice winner in Forest - Show, best kitten among kittens , and became the Best Litter.