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July 7 in cattery FROSTY AMULET new litter"А"!!!! 

3 sweet babys: 1boys and 2girls.





WCF. International exhibition of cats "the Gold tango-2014" city of Almaty.

On November 22-23 in the city of Almaty there took place the International exhibition "Gold Tango-2014", the organizer of the KLK exhibition of "Erke Barys".

Experts: Mr.Dr.Johan H. Lamprecht, South Africa(AB,WCF)

Mrs.Olga Gruzd, Russia(AB,WCF)

Mrs.Nancy Dodds, USA(AB,WCF)

At an exhibition I participated - a young cat of Gin Volzhskaya Krasa.

In a ring of adult cats of Jean entered 10 best cats, I took the 9th place. I received two assessment of CAC-EX1.

We congratulate the boy on good performance!!!

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Kot Gin Volzhskaya Krasa at the expert Olga Gruzd (Russia, WCF).


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Kot Gin Volzhskaya Krasa at the expert of Mrs. Nancy Dodds (USA,CFA).


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April 26-27, 2014

Almaty, Kazakhstan, international cats show, organized by the Almaty feline center "Planet of the Cats" (WACC).

Experts of the show: Irina Katser, Russia (WACC), Genevieve Franc, Belgium (LOOF).

Our Anfisa Zelenoglazka became Vice-winner of the ring. Best cat - Siberian, color black spotted.

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Oktober 6, 2013

Almaty, Kazakhstan, international cats show, organized by the Almaty feline center "Planet of the Cats" (WACC).

Experts: Irina Curviseta (Moscow, WACC), Nata Burakova (Belarus,WACC).

Our Anfisa Zelenoglazka became Vice winner in Forest - Show, best kitten among kittens , and became the Best Litter.

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